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Especially, if you are a colored or immigrant man /male. Donner is guilty of taking law into his own hands does deserve whatever penalty is for doing so in our laws But to turn him into a hunted animal and kill him like one will not be an answer, in my humble opinion. My prayer is that, with the help of media, Donner be allowed to surrender and then justice should prevail.
Whenever a dictator comes to power, one of their first acts is always to take away the firearms of the people. We seen it happen in Iran, where canada goose outlet in chicago the Green Revolution was left at the mercy of the Islamic Republic this past summer (which didn go very well for them), and canada goose uk site we seen it happen in Nazi Germany. Heinrich Himmler, for one, once made a very telling statement in which he said who wish to use firearms should join the SS or canada goose online uk fake SA Have we not heard similar statements from the left in this country? Granted, the United States military is far from a criminal organization, like the SS and SA were, but countless liberals have said who want to use firearms should join the military The Democrats want to circumvent the Constitution and leave the people at the mercy of their government, which is absolutely reprehensible and totally unjustifiable.
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