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After the pilots shut down the engine

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For those not familiar with what an Orrery is I would like to offer a brief description. It is an apparatus used to illustrate the relative motion and sizes of planets to each other and their orbits around the sun. To put the orbit times in perspective I have listed the times for the planets…

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Maybe we didn’t deserve to win but we ultimately did just

I like to use twitter to see what professional athletes post and to try to talk to them (or „tweet” to them). So on Thursday, I was taking photographs and I noticed that one of the Charger players was talking to a woman with a young boy. I noticed the boy was wearing a Charger…

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Lynch has been fined $5,250 for wearing green cleats in their

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Get it? „Pen15” looks like „penis!” This is the funniest thing

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Direct free kick taken by Steve Harper

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